Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Safeguarding Month - Interfaith Week

Talking here to Councillor Andrew Harper (Barnet Cabinet Member with responsibility for children's services). November is Barnet's Safeguarding Month - and I was invited to speak at the Barnet Multi-Faith Forum event at Hendon Town Hall, to mark Inter-Faith Week. Additional panel members were the Mayor of Barnet and the Chief of Police. A great opportunity to talk about www.thefaithbook.co.uk and all the safeguarding work underway in faith communities.

The most inspiring and enlightening part of the evening involved young people from 4 secondary schools talking about what their faith, and the concept of inter-faith, means to them. A really great evening - with lots to think about.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Pan london pres nov 2010

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: the edited version delivered in November

Safeguarding resources for faith and bme groups

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: Updated in November 2010

We are now a registered company - Flourishing Consulting Limited

Hallo all,

Exciting news here at Flourishing. Upto this point I have been a sole trader working with a network of associates - name check here for Barbara, Chris, Victoria and Alex in particular.

On 9th November 2011 Flourishing Consulting Ltd became a company. This will enable me to offer more solid employment to staff and to bid for contracts that are usually closed to sole traders.

Quality of delivery will stay the same, as will the personal service.