Monday, 10 October 2011

Olympic Truce - an update

Here are a few notes prepared for the Olympic Steering Group in Barnet.

There are fabulous opportunities for local faith and community groups to get involved. Open up your doors to show the events on big screens - turn it into a community event, and show hospitality to the people in your area. The BBC have confirmed that they will be showing every minute of the games.

Olympic Truce

The Olympic truce was a time when conflicts would cease so that athletes could travel safely to compete in the Olympic games.

London Borough Faiths Network are suggesting that local boroughs could take the concept of the Olympic truce and use it as a banner for initiatives that bring faiths together, resolve conflicts and achieve peaceful outcomes. Rather in the manner of Inter-faith week - each borough would develop responses that work locally.

The Truce is something that LBFN members can relate to because it naturally brings religious groups and the public sector (community safety, police, youth services, domestic violence teams, schools, etc) together towards the same end.

Each nation hosting the Olympics declares the truce through its parliament. The truce is expected to run for 100 days starting on 9th June 2012.

Activities so far in Barnet

ü Participated in LBFN meetings on the subject – including one in September with Duncan Green.

ü Briefed the Barnet Multi-faith Forum, who are now considering their activity.

ü Briefed CYPNet.

ü Met with More than Gold Director – and identified local contact.

ü Briefed the Barnet SCB – Faith and Culture sub-group

ü Briefed Lucy Somali.


Duncan Green has said that there will be a Faith 2012 Inspire pin badge and logo available to tag faith activities inspired by the Olympics. The requirement is that they must be open to the community (of all and no faith) and not evangelical. There should be a clear benefit to the community. Applications close at the end of September.

Get Set is a programme of resources for schools to pick up the Olympic theme. There are activities for all ages from 3 to 19 years, as well as fact sheets and advice for educators.

More than Gold – mobilizing churches to offer hospitality, open events screening Olympic events, schools resources etc. The community festivals model is promoted with accompanying training to deliver these effectively. The local contact for Barnet is also part of the Copthall Stadium development team. To date one of Barnet’s towns is picking this up actively. (KW in contact, and attending a More than Gold event in Watford on 19th October 2011)

Visit Jewish London – website for visitors and athletes developed with the Jewish Volunteer Network.

Faiths Forum for London are getting involved. (KW linked to this)

Oasis Community Learning – developing a 100 days of peacemaking programme with a logo for branding local activities. Resources will be made available – and the challenge put out “what can you do?” This is part of their schools work around the Restoring Peace theme, and is endorsed by the UK government. (KW following up the link)

London Boroughs Faith Network are co-ordinating local grassroots faith responses, and disseminate information through their blog. A sub-group is due to meet with the Home Office to discuss the involvement of faith groups with Olympic activities (KW is a member of the LBFN, and part of the group to meet the Home Office)

Piece of Gold – private companies to sponsor Lego bricks to be loaded onto a trailer and taken to different locations for communities to construct

Local activities for Barnet?

Prior to the games:

- Hospitality and volunteer stewards from faith communities along torch route.

- Mill Hill School is the pretraining venue for archery and hockey.

- Barnet Multi-Faith Forum are planning an event to promote the truce concept (details to be agreed) (KW briefed them on the event and JG attended the LBFN)

During the games:

- Opening faith and community venues to show televised Olympic events

o Co-ordinate and publicise

o Existing venues with large screens and PA systems

- Schools project work, highlighting existing resources

- Commissioning summer 2012 youth activities through Futureversity, and sports activities for other age groups through the small grant and Milly Apthorp programmes

- Concerted efforts to tackle hate crime and promotion of third party reporting through faith communities

- Multi-faith prayer walks around crime hotspots in the borough

- New community safety initiatives

- Gun and knife amnesties

- Peace festivals – or theming the local community festivals around peace, using Boris’ bunting

- Support for Street Pastors work in areas of conflict

- Taster events to provide residents with the opportunity to try Olympic sports.

After the games:

Dates for regional activities open to the public

21st September 2011 – Peace One Day – celebration at the O2 arena, London – a 365 day countdown

21st December 2011 – POD concert in Istanbul – 9 month countdown

21st March 2012 – POD concert in the US – 6 month countdown

2nd – 5th June 2012 – Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

9th June 2012 – multi-faith celebration in Trafalgar Square, to launch 100 days of peace. Showcasing activities where GB is active, but there is more to do. The aim is to mark the beginning of the truce as part of the Olympic event. Could include:

A gun and knife amnesty

Interfaith relationships

International development

The Northern Ireland experience

21st June 2012 – Opening of the London 2012, POD festival and Derry/Londonderry 3 month countdown

14th - 15th July – Interfaith walks across London supported by the The South London Interfaith Group.

21st – 26th July – Torch is overnight in Walthamstow, Bexley, Wandsworth, Ealing, Haringey and Westminster.

27th July – 12th August – Olympic Games

29th August – 9th September – Paralympic Games

21st September 2012 – Peace One Day concert in the Olympic stadium, headlined by Elton John

There will be a post games, multi-faith, celebration event as the truce is handed on to Brazil for 2016.


The 40th anniversary of the Munich 1972 tragedy will be marked during the games.

Ramadam falls from 21st July to 20th August 2012.

Other activities planned by London Boroughs

St Johns church in Waterloo is reflecting on aspects of war as the bicentenary of the battle of Waterloo is not far off. In 2012 the focus is on war and peace. From 13th to 17th July there will be a festival with a youth slant to it, including exhibitions, debates and a commissioned piece of music drawing on texts from different faiths on the subject of peace.

The East London Mosque is developing a programme to challenge Islamaphobia in sport, and also knife crime.

Restoredrelationships are a Christian organisation addressing domestic violence, and plan to raise the profile of this issue under the Olympic truce banner.

Sikhs in the City will have multi-faith teams running in relay across all boroughs in the first and second weeks of January 2012 – finishing in Stratford at the Olympic stadium. They are a worldwide group, organizing multi-faith relay races for men and women.

The Lambeth Mediation Service are deploying their Peace Ambassadors, recently involved in post riot facilitated dialogue.

Greenwich multi-faith forum and local involvement network (LINk) have merged in response to cuts in funding. So their focus is on health and wellbeing across the faiths, with a sports focus for 2012.

Nominated torchbearers

Approx 30 torchbearers crossing Barnet, perhaps 8 will be local residents

Mark Healey – Green Man Community Centre, East Finchley – also LGBT work

Sally Dryden – St Barnabas Church, Woodside Park – community work

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