Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Reflections on the DOP Conference

A couple of weeks ago I went to the BPS Division of Occupational Psychology Conference after a gap of twenty or so years.

Time to refresh my Occ Psych credentials and be challenged and stimulated by the latest research findings.

It was a packed and well organised conference, with some familiar faces and a fantastic musical chairs networking session to open (to the tune of Call Me Maybe - inspired soundtrack!).

Here follows a few themes and ideas that I am committed to following up over the next few months - either through reading relevant papers or participating in CPD events.  I don't present these as a comprehensive summary of the conference content - but as triggers for me personally.  If they intrigue you too - get in touch, and maybe we can get some discussions going.

  1. Mindfulness - one speaker talked of a study investigating the impact of mindfulness training on staff - with particular reference to perceptions of stress and wellness.  I am familiar with the concept and process as a strategy for those with ADHD.  Worth reading around - and exploring any research that establishes a link between mindfulness and productivity.  To build a solid business case for investing in programmes for the workplace.
  2. To my mind a similar set of questions apply to the concept of Flow.  A state of absorption in a task - living in the present.  With connections to resilience (trait) and coping (process).  Again more to explore, particularly with regard to the creation of working environments that support Flow - and job roles where it is practically achievable.
  3. A third theme for me - which relates very much to the sector that I work in - one speaker talked about the motivation that businesses have for supporting charitable causes.  Is it around guilt, offsetting harmful effects of the business?  I would like to dig into this a bit further, especially the positive benefits - emotional and practical - of philanthropy.
  4. A broad observation of mine - some presented studies explored differences across cultures and across public and private sector workplaces.  But there was little on the charitable sector.  I feel that differences do exist, especially with regard to the characteristics of leaders, work-life balance, trade-offs that people make on a day to day basis.  Mavericks, visionaries, activists - all find a place in the charitable sector as charismatic leaders achieving change.  

I can see a few areas that could stand some rigorous research.  So there is the challenge. 

Do get in touch if these ideas resonate with you.

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