Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Report Back from FGM meeting in Barnet

26 Professionals across a range of disciplines came together in the London Borough of Barnet to find out more about Female Genital Mutilation, and the actions that can be taken to eradicate it.

The meeting was scheduled as part of Barnet Council’s annual Safeguarding Month. Each year Barnet develop a range of safeguarding briefing, training and action planning opportunities for front line staff, voluntary and community groups and anyone locally who is keen to improve their understanding and skills.

Barnet Safeguarding Children Board has a Faith and Culture sub-group, who have been keen to address FGM issues in the borough. 28TooMany offered to run a workshop on Council premises, and this was facilitated by Flourishing Consulting Ltd.

Ann Marie Wilson from 28TooMany set out her aims – to bring together organisations working in the FGM area, and create some opportunities to join up information, support and programmes of action. The meeting started with an explanation of FGM – in its four forms – and the prevalence of FGM across different countries. 28TooMany gets its name from the number of African countries where FGM is common practice.

Illustrated by personal stories Ann Marie explained the cultural reasons why FGM is practiced and the stigma associated with non-compliance. She expanded on the global situation, UK legislation and emphasized that FGM is practiced in London Boroughs including Barnet. This was confirmed by health professionals in the group.

FGM has been illegal in the UK since 2003. However there have been no prosecutions, and it is very difficult to prevent. Anti-FGM guidelines are available on the Home Office website. Details of resources are provided in a separate document prepared for distribution to those attending the meeting – and the 20 or more people who expressed interest, but were unable to come along.

It is worth stressing that FGM is not supported by the scriptures or holy books of any faith.

In Barnet FGM has been found in girls and women presenting themselves for maternity services – and referrals are primarily from the health service, rather than through social care. FGM can be seasonal, with young girls travelling abroad at the beginning of the long summer school holidays – so that they are recovered in time to return to school. Cutting parties are evident in the UK.

Rita from Forward spoke of the support and actions underway in the UK. The organization works with communities to empower women to take control of the situation. An NHS funding project in Bristol has made significant progress. Forward services include clinics, counseling and leadership training skills so that groups of women are able to achieve change for their communities. Peer to peer support is crucial within communities – as is the training of young advisers to catch a generation.

Dorrett from Imkaan talked in detail about an integrated response across different agencies – highlighting best practice – and agreeing to adopt consistent standards.

The actions in Barnet include the following:

- Providing those attending the meeting with materials with which to brief their peers – including copies of the slides presented

- Including FGM in the Barnet violence against women strategy

- Sharing information about support available

- Developing a detailed plan through the Faith and Culture sub-group of the Safeguarding Board

- Reporting back progress during the 2012 Safeguarding Month.

Karen Walkden

Flourishing Consulting Ltd

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