Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Safeguarding Month - Interfaith Week

Talking here to Councillor Andrew Harper (Barnet Cabinet Member with responsibility for children's services). November is Barnet's Safeguarding Month - and I was invited to speak at the Barnet Multi-Faith Forum event at Hendon Town Hall, to mark Inter-Faith Week. Additional panel members were the Mayor of Barnet and the Chief of Police. A great opportunity to talk about www.thefaithbook.co.uk and all the safeguarding work underway in faith communities.

The most inspiring and enlightening part of the evening involved young people from 4 secondary schools talking about what their faith, and the concept of inter-faith, means to them. A really great evening - with lots to think about.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Pan london pres nov 2010

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: the edited version delivered in November

Safeguarding resources for faith and bme groups

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: Updated in November 2010

We are now a registered company - Flourishing Consulting Limited

Hallo all,

Exciting news here at Flourishing. Upto this point I have been a sole trader working with a network of associates - name check here for Barbara, Chris, Victoria and Alex in particular.

On 9th November 2011 Flourishing Consulting Ltd became a company. This will enable me to offer more solid employment to staff and to bid for contracts that are usually closed to sole traders.

Quality of delivery will stay the same, as will the personal service.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Safeguarding resources for faith and bme groups

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

November is Safeguarding Month in Barnet

Flourishing will be delivering a variety of activities during November 2010 - Barnet's safeguarding month.

These will include:

A safeguarding focus group with the Barnet Supplementary Schools Forum
Briefing professionals on the Pan London faith and culture safeguarding project
Speaking at the Barnet Multi-Faith Forum evening
Delivering a safeguarding event for BME and faith groups in partnership with Safe Networks.

It's going to be a busy month.

Check out the CommUNITY Barnet and www.thefaithbook.co.uk websites for more information on events and activities for the month.

Friday, 24 September 2010

A very nice testimonial from CAS... and UCL

"Everyone was unanimous in agreement about the success and balance of the day. It's pretty difficult to achieve that. Well done and thanks"

Chris Sanford, Chief Executive of Community Action Southwark - after Flourishing delivered a staff and trustee strategy day.


"This is excellent. I wasn't sure how far you would be able to get

but you have done a great job."

Dr George Grimble,

Principal Teaching Fellow,

UCL Centre for Gastroenterology and Nutrition - on delivery of a worldwide mapping of universities offering degrees in nutrition. Preparatory work for the marketing of a new masters course to international students.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Personalisation - faith communities

So, the workshop was for trustees of voluntary and community groups in Southwark. I had a speaker, and an open invitation to a variety of organisations to send trustees to find out all about the ways that services for vulnerable adults and disabled children are going to change.

As all the best events do, the shape shifted according to the participants. We had a large proportion of the audience attending from faith groups - primarily churches. Personalisation was a new concept, but they totally got it - and together we painted a picture to illustrate the variety of ways that faith communities can and should support vulnerable people within their communities and through outreach work.

Faith communities are bound together through shared beliefs. Relationships are forged and ministries developed to ensure that every person is valued, supported and involved. Historically faith communities have always delivered social action projects - from schools, hospitals, social services. Perhaps we haven't applied current terminology - but the principles have always been evident.

Personalisation places purchasing decisions in the hands of people who currently receive services. Through supportive person centred planning individuals will be given independent budgets and be assisted to buy in the tailored services that they need. Providers will need to think in terms of marketing directly to individuals, as opposed to contracts to deliver block services.

So where do faith communities fit in? Consider the following:

- Who better to surround an individual, and to assist in the purchasing decisions they make - as trustees or brokers?
- What about faith based service provision - offering consistent relationships and cost effective solutions - blessing the recipient and the provider?

Keep watching this space for real examples of faith communities grabbing this opportunity and making it work.

Mobile Skatepark - Social Enterprise for NEETs

Great news - we have 40% of the funding needed to purchase the mobile skatepark equipment (half pipes, ramps, spare skateboards, pads, trailer etc). Three other sources of grants being pursued, as well as support from local sponsors.

A good contact made with regard to social investment bonds/social impact funding. Thanks Bill - will pursue this in September when we are all around.

Still have a funding task - and keen to hear from individuals and organisations with an interest in helping young people to develop some business skills, and in delivering diversionary activities that will bring down youth crime in some of the underserved areas of the borough of Barnet.

If you would like a summary document that describes the project in more detail then e-mail me karen@flourishing.me.uk for an information sheet.

Mobile Skatepark - Social Enterprise for NEET young people

Barnet Community Projects is seeking sponsors for the development of a Mobile Skatepark

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Pan London Safeguarding Project - Barnet Contribution

Follow the link to track progress on this one year assignment. There will be regular blog posts as well.

Karen will be delivering the Barnet contribution through co-ordination of a multi-agency team.

Action points currently stand at 7 pages, 9009 characters!


Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Community Projects in Barnet

On 19th July Community Projects in Barnet was registered as a Community Interest Company. When charitable registration is complete then Barnet Community Projects will be the asset locked organisation nominated to benefit through CPB's work.

This will give the team flexibility to generate mixed income streams, and develop activities that support local residents to grow their own projects to the benefit of their communities.

Great news.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Two new assignments confirmed

June and July 2010 have been particularly.

Flourishing undertook its first piece of interim management work - covering a Trustee development post at a CVS for a couple of months whilst a permanent appointee was sought. A rapid learning stage with immediate need to deliver workshops, informative communications and an end of year lottery report.

We also took on two more assignments.

One to design and deliver consultation work with disabled children and their families in a west London borough. This will underpin the development of the special needs strategy. The design work is underway now - with delivery through September. A variety of engagement approaches are needed to make this accessible for pupils with different communication needs, and parents with different levels of availability.

The second is to support the development of safeguarding materials for professionals engaging with faith communities, BME and refugee communities. This will run through until the end of 2011.

We are now a team of three - with associates working with us according to the needs of each project. So our capacity has increased, as well as the breadth of what we can offer.

If you are interested in what we can do - get in touch.

Friday, 2 July 2010

Busy June

It's been another busy month for Flourishing - but a satisfying one too.

We said goodbye to one long standing client, as the assignment came to a close. But a big hallo to a new local authority client. The work here is to consult with disabled young people and their families in order to shape the local SEN strategy. Lots of scope for creative and accessible engagement.

Repeat business with another client - to develop a team event for a group of trustees, where newcomers are fully integrated with longer serving team members to build something new and fit for the future.

July sees two new assignments kicking off, and two coming to a close.

We have a new member of the team now - Victoria joins us to take on some research activities and to help Flourishing to move to the next stage as a registered company (as opposed to being a group of associates). Premises may well be in the offing too.

Alex continues to mastermind the back office, and has done a fantastic job on some international research for a university department - pulling together a worldwide mapping of degree courses to support promotion of a masters programme to overseas students.

This has been a good month for networking too. Raoul and Jane (former colleagues at the Pru - and now on totally different paths), and Julie from Paradigm to discuss personalisation and the challenges for the voluntary sector.

Friday, 11 June 2010

The next big step

Sorry it's been so long since the last blog.

Lot's of work underway - and a mad couple of months in prospect.

Wrapping up some marketing work for a play/disability organisation

Setting up a new community organisation, and applying for funding to develop the youth work

More funding for a client providing advice and advocacy for parents of disabled children

Developing creative learning opportunities for trustees and management committees for a CVS as interim management of a lottery funded project

Taking the mapping of nutrition degree courses worldwide to the next level, and developing a marketing plan for the results

Part of a pan-London safeguarding project team

Participating in a strategy day for a disability charity

And that's just this week - hence the feeling that maybe Flourishing has reached the stage where it needs more resources - premises, associates and staff. In discussions on all three fronts - so watch this space...

Monday, 31 May 2010

Cognitive Surplus

If the work you are engaged in does not stretch you - or develop your skills then you may be in a cognitive surplus situation. Essentially, you have more to offer. Frustration results and alternative outlets are sought.

This is not a new phenomenon - but there is an increasing awareness of the consequences.

Sunday, 30 May 2010

The truth about what really motivates us...

Check this link - worth 10 minutes of your time to think about how you manage your staff, and the kind of organisation you are building.

Friday, 28 May 2010

No win - no fee

A small local advocacy group is struggling to finance its work. The manager is funding the activities herself. This is an organisation meeting the needs of vulnerable people, and filling a niche - but struggling to attract funds.

Flourishing are offering a no win, no fee funding service to help them get things off the ground - and to move to the next stage of development. 5 funding applications - with a flat fee for each successful one.

This is a new arrangement - and it will be interesting to see how it evolves. Initial feedback from the first potential funder seems encouraging.

Trustee Development Assignment

New assignment confirmed this week, for a London Borough CVS.

Delivery of lottery funded trustee development activities - to include workshops, newsletters and networking opportunities.

The focus is on broadening skills and encouraging trustees to look up and out to ensure that their organisations are evolving and responding to the changing environment. Already planning some speed dating activities to match potential trustees to vacancies - and some self directed learning activities to sit alongside masterclasses for chairs and treasurers.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Adult Social Care Review - Mencap

Adult Social Care Review workshop at National Mencap's offices this week. Attending in my capacity as Director at Barnet Mencap.

Social care law is very complex and in some places conflicting. This has led to a postcode lottery of social care, where every local authority has taken differing interpretations of the law.

The Law Commission have been asked by the Government (2009) to undertake a review of all social care law. They have been asked to attempt to clarify and simply adult social care law. The review covers both England and Wales.

Mencap believes that this is of major importance to the future of adult social care and to the way services for people with a learning disability are run. Local Mencaps are attending a workshop to explore this issue and highlight the consequences for their groups and user communities.

AidExcel Support Services

Supporting AidExcel Support Services to develop a marketing plan, alongside a funding strategy.

This organisation provide support, advice, signposting and training for parents of disabled children from BME and new migrant communities. There is a significant demand for their work, and it's all about developing at a sustainable pace - promoting existing services, adding new ones, diversifying income streams and establishing a solid platform for growth.

Draft proposals prepared and ready for discussion with the Director later this week.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Promotional DVD with Rolling Base

Really pleased to be involving Rolling Base in the development of a promotional DVD for a disability charity.

Rolling Base is a multi-media single decker bus - with filming equipment, mixing desks and a whole lot more. Gareth will be filming at a number of events over the next few weeks - and will also be assisting a group of disabled young people to create an original song as the sound track to the film.

As soon as it is ready, I'll post it here.

Check out www.rollingbase.co.uk for details of this fabulous resource.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

The Lamb Inquiry

Attending Barnet's Parent Partnership Conference on Tuesday this week (11th May). A range of workshops available - as well as exhibition stands staffed by local support groups providing services for families with disabled children.

One important workshop is being offered by Phillipa Stobbs, Council for Disabled Children, taking the outcomes from the Lamb Inquiry to the next stage - and consulting with parents on their needs and wants with regard to information sharing.

Also good to hear Graham Durham, Assistant Director for Inclusion, delivering the keynote address.

Safeguarding in Faith Communities

What guidance is available to religious leaders, childrens workers and youth leaders across different faiths with regard to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults?

It is a very mixed bag - and most certainly needs attention and resources, so that local faith groups can draw on the range of resources offered by local authorities, and provide activities with proper safeguards in place.

Attending a pan London group this week to explore just this issue. A number of local authorities are sending representatives to discuss this issue, and to agree a programme of action. I will be representing Barnet Council - and will report back to the Faith sub-committee of the Safeguarding Board, with proposals to take this agenda forward.

Lots of good progress made in this area by Barnet - Primarily through joint working with childrens and adults services. Time now to take the lessons from last year's multi-faith safeguarding conference to the next stage.

Inclusive Play - Schools Work

Check out Oyster Training for inclusive play and disability training.

Good meeting with Maurice this week. Exploring scope to work together to develop an array of inclusive play interventions for schools.

Putting some meat on the proposals on Monday. To our knowledge no-one has taken this route before - other than some circle of friends/playground buddies work. This would be a menu of services to include parents activities, peer group work with pupils, INSET days for teaching staff, LSA training, playground supervisor skills development and last by by no means least - embedding inclusive play in extracurricular clubs and schemes delivered as part of the Extended Services agenda for schools.

What this space!

Community Interest Companies vs Charities

Strangely this week I seem to have had the same conversation with three organisations. All relating to the relative merits of establishing themselves as constituted community groups, community interest companies or registering as charities.

Pros and cons for each model. Community Interest Companies are relatively straightforward to establish - and are subject to light touch monitoring. CICs can operate on business principles, but must meet the charitable purpose test, with roots in local communities. CICs can pay their founders in ways that charities cannot (even under SORP 2005 guidelines). However, they do not have the tax breaks, or access to funding that charities do.

I'm setting up a CIC for one client, and then registering a parallel charity - which is the best of both worlds. Another is weighing up the options, and a third is embarking on charity registration (with help from Flourishing).

Thanks to Companies House and the CIC website/helpline. Very accessible advice, and helpful helplines!

Wrapping up UCL Research

This week sees Flourishing wrapping up its first assignment with a University. We were engaged to research the availability of degree courses in nutrition and dietetics worldwide.

UCL will use this information to understand the marketplace and to promote their newly developed Masters.

We can now provide this information, and a lot more besides. A spin off has been a series of "by the way" communications, endorsing the work and a network of Nutrition Societies and Dietetics Associations - also worldwide.

Great when it all comes together!

Thursday, 29 April 2010

PQQ Workshop

In spite of major traffic problems - inevitable regardless of route selected - I finally made it to the PQQ course in a Heathrow hotel.

Initially thought I was in the wrong place until the trainer volunteered that we had been supplied with the slides for the tendering workshop. So more note taking needed, but extra information supplied - a bonus really.

Not many people from third sector organisations - or from partnership/consortium facilitators. However, that added to the richness of the experience. The trainer has worked in local authority procurement, with a wealth of practical knowledge.

A good investment of time - for a significant return in knowledge. Thanks BIP.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

New opportunity - lunchtime programmes for working parents

Networking today with a former colleague - and uncovered a potential opportunity that would combine both our skill sets and meet the needs of working parents.

Developing a programme of lunchtime workshops for employees, to be delivered on business premises. Covering a range of family related topics - and tying in with the organisation's community responsibility needs. Between us we have expertise in a number of relevant areas - and have connections to fill any gaps.

Lots more aspects to this - and an embryonic business plan is in place. Next stop - research the market, secure the resources, develop the product, make the contacts, pilot and promote.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Setting up a new charity

Am just spending a few hours on a workplan to set up a new charitable organisation. The charities commission is extremely helpful in this regard - and confirms that this is the way to go.

Looking forward to some initial exercises with those already keen and involved - to ensure that the formal documents do not constrain any future activities.

So many aspects to cover - and challenging.

My role? To take on all the legal and process requirements. Get the organisation into good order. Attract funding. Release those that are visionary to enthuse others and deliver services.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Fundraising Skydive!

Wow - that was pretty amazing! Skydiving from 12,000 feet to raise money for local disability charity IPOP (Inclusive Play Opportunities Project). 23 of us jumped today (24th April) - including local charity campaigner Lisa Connell. Raised a lot of money - and were featured in a TV documentary as well.

Thanks to everyone who sponsored me!

Friday, 23 April 2010

Thanks HAVCO

Bernice and I met with HAVCO's Sue King today to explore the different models of operating for WAVE.

WAVE is a fledgling organisation that will provide social opportunities for disabled young adults in Harringey and the local area. Bernice is the driving force behind WAVE and is drawing together a team of people to take the planning to the next level. Putting ourselves on a formal footing will help to address funding issues - and enable us to work more effectively with potential partners.

Much of what HAVCO told us today will also be applicable to Barnet Community Projects - and there were some very useful tips and exercises that both organisations can undertake to ensure that there is clarity over the core purpose for each organisation.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Three different meetings - three different directions

Today was the wrapping up and signing off day for the CVS competency framework assignment. This has been a piece of work that has evolved organically over the months. Totally appropriate. New elements of participation were introduced at different stages in the development of the competencies for each of three job families in the organisation. It has been really important that the staff and managers have shaped the framework so that it really reflects their views and has a distinct stamp on it.

My second meeting was about a new assignment to support the development of a brand new, community lead organisation providing three services that local residents have said that they want. So the initial focus will be on determining what kind of organisation this should be - and to register accordingly so that funding applications can be developed. Everything from governance, CRB checks, insurance, premises, staffing, policy development and banking will need to be addressed. A big challenge - and a huge learning opportunity. Watch this space for developments over the next 6 months.

Finally, a third meeting - also about the development of a new organisation, in a different borough, providing social opportunities for disabled young adults - who appear to be underserved at present. The starting point will be some mapping work - to see who else is offering services locally, and to identify potential partners. The second stage will be a creative consultation with disabled young adults to ask them:

What makes them happy?
What they like to do with their friends?
What they want to do more of?

This will drive the shape of the organisation and the kinds of services it will provide.

We are also exploring the possibility of creating some learning opportunities eg making and maintaining friendships, romance and relationships, staying safe on-line - the kinds of skills that people usually acquire by trial and error as they grow up, but that disabled young people often miss out on.

So all in all - a very busy and exciting day - with three very inspiring and creative meetings.

Friday, 16 April 2010


A very wide ranging conversation today with InterChange's Training and Development Manager.
We were exploring the possibilities of working together in the future - and the different ways in which this might work. InterChange can provide in depth training, coaching and development interventions for organisations. Associates with specialist skills and areas of knowledge work with clients according to their needs. It is a very participatory style of working and results in tailored solutions with real ownership.

InterChange also offer legal services to charities, venue and events management and have a thriving creative arts organisation - WAC.

Check the InterChange website for details of their services - www.interchange.org.uk

Looking forward to more conversations over the next few months.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

A new assignment and a new direction for Flourishing

Some exciting news today, as Flourishing takes on a mapping project for University College London.

It involves a worldwide survey of universities to identify students who may be interested in studying a new Masters course. We'll produce a spreadsheet of data that can be turned into a mailing list - so that this course can be marketed to those studying relevant undergraduate courses.

Fascinating new area of work - that builds very logically on the research and mapping projects that we have delivered in the past.

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

An interesting day of ups and downs - and thoughts on inclusion

One of the big ups was a conversation with the Inclusive Solutions people about the variety of tools and services that they are able to offer.

They are unusual in addressing inclusion of disabled children, young people and adults across all disabilities in all aspects of education, community and leisure. I was particularly struck by the Circle of Friends idea. This addresses inclusion through peer groups. There is a parallel with IPOP's work in Barnet - delivering inclusive play PE sessions in primary schools. Both approaches raise awareness of disability amongst children and young people and result in an enhanced sense of community responsibility.

Inclusion is not to be delivered by adults for children - but is everyone's responsibility. That takes us back to IPOP again - and working with play and leisure providers so that they develop their inclusive practices.

Inclusive Solutions have taken the idea further to develop Community Circles. The concept being "to leave your label at the door" - and come together as individuals with needs and wants of all kinds that can be addressed as part of a multi-faceted community. This is entirely consistent with Person Centred Planning - but at a group level. I would be interested to know whether this can be used across faiths to improve community cohesion - but perhaps that needs to be mulled over a little more. It also strikes me that the eighties legacy of the "cult of me" continues to expose those that are vulnerable - and we still see that in social care planning. Maybe this is a strand to be explored in another posting though!

If you have read this far - Happy Easter, Pesach and Bank Holiday - and much love.


Flourishing has just joined Slideshare.

This is a great resource for sharing presentations and I've seen a few really useful ones in the last couple of days.

Try this one if you want some information about the history, use and power of social media tools. Lots of useful graphics too. http://slidesha.re/aq3bvb

Thursday, 25 March 2010

DJ Jo Whiley backs Short Breaks for Disabled Children

The BBC Radio 1 DJ Jo Whiley is backing a campaign to improve access to short breaks for disabled children.

The Be the Big Difference campaign was part of Share the Care Week, which took place from 7 to 14 March and was run by the Shared Care Network. Whiley has a sister with learning disabilities. "We grew up together and there were times when it was really difficult," she said. "Life would have been a lot easier if there had been people there just to take Frances out, even for a couple of hours." The campaign is backed by other celebrities, including TV presenter Amanda Holden, actor Liza Goddard and 1992 Olympic 100m champion Linford Christie.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Talking to parents of disabled children about inclusive play

Yesterday I spent an afternoon talking to parents about inclusive play - and the opportunities available for their disabled children to attend after school clubs, holiday playschemes and other leisure activities with support in place.

Barnet has a fabulous organisation - IPOP - who can provide such support. Check out their details on www.ipop.org.uk

The principle is that every child should be able to access any play opportunity. IPOP work to remove barriers to access, by providing extra support - and also by working with play and leisure providers to help them to develop their inclusive practices. Really good stuff - and these parents definitely thought so.

Competency Workshop

Another good morning with the senior management team of a local CVS. Refining the draft competency framework through a combination of briefings and team exercises. Linking it to a new appraisal system with an on-line 360 degree assessment element - so that feedback can be gathered from staff, customers, funders and colleagues.

The driving theme is to deliver the framework in a way that is consistent with the values enshrined in the competencies. For example, demonstrating a commitment to participation at all levels by involving every member of staff in the development of the competencies for their own job roles.

The fine detail is all coming together now - and will give the organisation a good basis for embedding recent changes and demonstrating to the outside world that they are focussed, ready and able to respond to the changing environment.

Enormously satisfying to work with visionary clients.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Very impressed with Harrow!

I've been spending a few hours putting together a proposal for some work in Harrow and uncovered a fabulous website www.harrowyouth.co.uk

A really good example of youth participation in action. Harrow has a youth parliament and a variety of engagement mechanisms in place - including a version of the Children and Young Peoples Plan designed specifically for young residents.

Well worth a look for anyone working for a local authority, and interested in participation mechanisms that really engage and work.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Delivering those tender documents

Go Alex...

Drive like the wind (but observing all traffic and highways restrictions).

Deliver those tender documents by midday.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Why Flourishing?

What does it mean?

1. To grow well or luxuriantly; thrive.
2. To do or fare well; prosper.
3. To be in a period of highest productivity, excellence, or influence.
4. To make bold, sweeping movements.

Many thanks to Jenny B for sharing these thoughts all those months ago.

Thank you!

Well, this is a momentous day.

Many thanks to Charli at Jelli Ltd for applying all her creative talents to produce this website.

Flourishing has been working hard over the last few years, and has grown and grown through personal recommendations and referrals. We have had fantastic support from many people and this is the perfect opportunity to say thank you.

We could name many people - but let's just start with four - Simon, James, Louis and Rufus. Inspiring, challenging, thoughtful and always there with an encouraging word and a nice cup of coffee. Thank you


New website launches today!


Head over to find out all the services on offer to help your organisation flourish!